Time to Back Amazon Shareholder Resolution and End Tsunami of Plastic Pollution
April 19, 2023
Oceana is calling on Amazon shareholders to protect the oceans by supporting a resolution that asks the company to develop a plan for reducing its growing plastic packaging footprint. The resolution will be voted on for the third year in a row at Amazon’s annual meeting on May 24. In 2022, support for the proposal […]

Brazil’s Museum of Tomorrow Becomes Plastic-Free Zone
March 31, 2023
Brazil’s Museum of Tomorrow (MoT) announced on March 22, World Water Day, that it is now the first Plastic-Free Zone (PFZ) in the country. Oceana collaborated with the futuristic science museum to first establish the museum’s pilot program, which was widely supported by employees and included auditing the disposable plastics used in the museum’s operations, […]

Panama Commits to Reduce Plastic Pollution
March 2, 2023
Panama announced a bold commitment to reduce plastic pollution during the 8th annual Our Ocean conference in Panama City. The new measures will stop more than 160,000 tons of plastic that is imported and consumed in the country each year, according to the government. Panama plans to eliminate single-use plastic items including utensils and cups […]

New York City Limits Single-Use Plastic Utensils
January 31, 2023
Following campaigning by Oceana and its allies, New York City lawmakers passed a bill requiring that restaurants, food delivery apps, and online delivery platforms only provide certain single-use items — including plastic utensils and condiment packets — if requested by the customer. Single-use plastic foodware, including utensils, is a significant source of plastic waste in […]

Oceana and HSBC Webinar: Plastic Waste Solutions
HSBC, January 9, 2023