35.5% of Amazon Shareholders Call on Company to Report on Plastic Footprint
June 1, 2021
Last week, at Amazon’s annual general meeting (AGM), 35.5% of the company’s shareholders voted for a resolution to require the e-commerce giant to issue by year end a report quantifying its use of single-use plastics.

In a Bold Leap, Chile Bans Single-Use Plastics in Supermarkets and Food Industries
Nature World News , May 29, 2021

Chile Boldly Bans Single-Use Plastics
Treehugger, May 28, 2021

Mara Range | Chilean Congress Bans Disposable Plastics in Restaurants
24Brasil, May 27, 2021

Chilean Congress bans disposable plastics in restaurants and delivery
UOL, May 27, 2021