Canada’s Primary Environmental Law Now Considers Plastics Toxic
Interesting Engineering , May 22, 2021

Heloisa Schurmann will sail the world to warn about plastic in the oceans
Marie Claire, May 22, 2021

Congress passes law banning single-use plastics and implementation begins in six months
May 20, 2021
Cutlery, light bulbs, feather utensils among others, will be the first prohibited items Project was born from civil society and had the transversal support of congressmen and the Ministry of the Environment Santiago, May 20, 2021. As “a very ambitious step” for the decontamination of the oceans of plastic and disposable products, the marine conservation organization […]

Oceana will ask Congress to strengthen the Waste Law to tackle the plastic crisis at sea
Noticiasmallorca.es, May 20, 2021

Chile Creates Law to Reduce Disposable Plastics in Restaurants
Correio de Amazonia, May 20, 2021