single use plastic cups
75% of Danes believe that take-away services should provide reusable containers for food and drinks

Oceana asked a representative sample of the entire Danish population about their views on disposable plastics. Of the respondents, 75% believe that snack bars should offer customers a reusable solution with regard to take-away food and consider that the widespread use of disposable plastics represents a serious threat to the environment.  Denmark is a coastal country […]

Vista pursues ban on single-use plastic utensils
Plastic bag sitting on littered beach
Danish Parliament fails to set ambitious measures to curb Single-Use Plastics

The Danish Parliament missed a key opportunity to curb the flood of single-use plastics that are suffocating our ocean. Instead of introducing binding targets and measures to support refillable options as an alternative to single-use plastics, the Parliament approved a proposal from the government that only introduces the bare minimum requirements imposed by EU law. […]