Single-Use Plastic to Be Phased Out in National Parks, Other Public Lands Following Push From Environmental Advocates
June 8, 2022
Today, as part of World Oceans Day and National Ocean Month, the Biden administration announced a series of actions it would be taking to protect our oceans. Among them: the designation of a new national marine sanctuary to preserve the Hudson Canyon, the initiation of efforts to create a U.S. Ocean Climate Action Plan, and the phaseout […]

Canada Eliminates Production, Sale, and Export of Six Ocean-Polluting Single-Use Plastics
June 8, 2022
In a significant victory for our oceans, the Canadian government has announced it will phase out some of the most commonly found plastics polluting Canada’s shorelines and oceans by the end of 2023. Production, sale and exports of plastic bags, cutlery, stir sticks, six-pack rings, straws, and some plastic takeout containers will be eliminated. Oceana […]

U.S National Parks Protected from Single-Use Plastics
June 7, 2022
The U.S. Department of the Interior will phase out single-use plastics in national parks and other public lands, which will reduce the procurement, sale, and distribution of single-use plastic products and packaging in 423 national parks, including 88 ocean and coastal parks. This victory follows campaigning by Oceana and our allies, who have been campaigning […]

48% of Amazon Shareholders Agree: It’s Time for the Company to Disclose its Plastic Packaging Footprint and Commit to Reductions Going Forward
May 27, 2022
This week, at Amazon’s annual meeting, 48% of the company’s shareholders voted in favor of a resolution asking the e-commerce giant to address its growing plastic packaging problem, falling just short of a majority. The resolution was presented by Conrad MacKerron, Senior Vice President of As You Sow, the non-profit organization that filed the resolution. […]

Amazon should further reduce plastic packaging
Seattle Times, May 25, 2022