Millions of Amazon mailers at heart of anti-plastic vote today
KUOW-NPR, May 25, 2022

“AMZN: Less plastic, please.” Company shareholders to vote on resolution to require Amazon to address its colossal plastic problem
May 20, 2022
On May 25 at Amazon’s Annual Meeting, shareholders will vote on a resolution that, if passed, would require the e-commerce giant to directly address its growing plastic problem which, according to a recent Oceana report, grew by 29% in 2020 to nearly 600 million pounds. Over 35% of Amazon’s shareholders supported a similar resolution last year. […]

Amazon shareholders vote on resolution to require the company to address its colossal plastic problem
May 19, 2022
On May 25 at Amazon’s Annual Meeting, shareholders will vote on a resolution that, if passed, would require the e-commerce giant to issue a report describing how the company could reduce its plastic packaging use and contribution to plastic pollution. The report would also quantify the amount of plastic packaging used by the company. 35.5% […]

Oceana Launches #RefillAgain Campaign
April 14, 2022
Oceana today revealed the reason for the launch of the single-use jeans brand S1NGLES. Developed pro bono for Oceana by the award winning creative agency the community and launched with the support of celebrity Heidi Montag, the campaign brings to life the absurdity of single-use and why we should “refill again” in place of single-use […]

Spain Curbs Ocean-Polluting Single-Use Plastics Through New Waste Law
March 31, 2022
Following campaigning by Oceana and allies, Spain adopted a new Waste Law that incorporates the European Union Single-Use Plastics Directive into national law, helping to reduce ocean-bound plastic pollution. Oceana advocated for the new law to go beyond the minimum requirements set by the EU, including newly adopted measures that will: establish a basis for […]